Minggu, 13 Agustus 2017

Facture or invoice

5 W + 1 H
1.       What does facture iddentify ?
Facture Identifies both the trading parties and lists, describes, and quantifies the items sold, shows the date of shipment and mode of transport, prices and Discounts (if any), and delivery and payment terms.
2.       Why Are Invoices So Important?
·         Because You Get Paid Via Invoices
·         Because Great for Record Keeping
·         Because Clarify What Your Clients are Paying For
·         Because Get Paid on Time

3.       Who sent invoice in us payroll services?
All businesses, especially for profit businesses, use invoices.
In US payroll services, invoices are sent by contractors or consultants -- non-employee workers, whose income is then reported by way of a 1099 Federal Tax form.

4.       How to get proof of payment like invoice ?
a.       The first way to any shopping center.
b.      Then select an item or something to buy.
c.       Then pay the goods to the cashier, here we have made the sale and purchase of goods.
d.      Lastly you will be given evidence of some kind of invoice or other.

5.       When a transaction invoices ?
When we're shopping or buying something so get the proof of payment

6.       Where do we get proof of transaction like invoice ?
We can get proof of transaction like the invoice in supermarket, any store, post office, government office, etc.

Sample U.S.A facture or invoice

Sample indonesian facture or invoice

England facture or invoice
Thank your attention

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